Wind energy has been used for thousands of years as a source of a free propeller or transport force. Currently, the most popular way of using wind energy are wind power plants, which produce electricity. A power plant may take the form of a windmill with a capacity of 20 kW, and serve the needs of a single household. However, often big wind farms are built, i.e. coupled teams of windmills, which can produce energy with a power such as 50 MW.
In Poland there are similar wind conditions as in Germany, the European leader in solutions that use wind to produce electricity. It is estimated that as many as 2/3 of the area of Poland has favourable wind conditions. Unfortunately, we are far behind the German achievements, and the use of wind as an energy source is one of the lowest in the European Union. Undoubtedly, local climate and terrain conditions are important factors which affect the results of annual measurements of wind in the region. The profitability of investing in wind farms in the area depends on those conditions and measurements. The minimum wind speed needed to work a windmill is 2-4 m/s. The maximum safe speed is 25 m/s.
The most important environmental benefits that flow from the use of wind power are lack of emissions of greenhouse gases, including CO2, the lack of SO2, NOx and dust emission into the atmosphere, the lack of solid waste, gas, odors and sewage, lack of water and soil pollution, lack of land degradation and loss of water, which are taking place in the production of energy in conventional power plants. In addition, wind is an inexhaustible and renewable source of energy, technology brings no risk of failure such as the reactor, which is associated with the use of atomic energy. The use of wind does not decrease the level of groundwater, which accompanies the extraction of fossil fuels (coal).
Among the most important social and economic benefits are: the lack of fuel costs (this source has no risk connected with fluctuations in fuel prices and allows to eliminate the impact of fluctuations in fuel prices on the economy), the development of new technology and innovation, diversification of energy sources and reduced dependence on energy imports, especially imports of raw materials, and thus increase of the energetic security, safeguard against excessive price increases for electricity generated by conventional sources, development of infrastructure of transmission and distribution of energy and impact on sustainable development monitored by the authorities of the European Union.
Our offer:
- comprehensive carrying of investment in production of electricity from wind,
- selecting the appropriate site for the wind power plants,
- assistance in signing contracts for land tenancy, obtaining of appropriate licenses,
- wind measurements,
- obtaining necessary documents to connect to the electric power grid,
- preparing business plan and assistance in obtaining national or European funding.
If you are interested in using wind energy and raise funds for the above. investment, please contact us.